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Accessible Spingle


Spingle Barn offers accessible guest facilities from the moment you arrive.Smooth paved walkways from the drop off point by your car enables access via wheelchair from the parking area with minimal threshold heights and wide doorways for the two downstairs guestrooms. One ensuite bedroom has a fully accessible wetroom with handrails and shower chair.


We also provide a folding powered hoist for those of us that need assistance into bed, floor to chair if we have a fall or just to make that life a little easier. It gives you peace of mind and an easier life.The beds allow for the easy use of the hoist

All of this equipment was provided by Accessible Derbyshire to make your stay more comfortable. To find out more about Accessible Derbyshre click the link below

We now have a Boma 7 all terrain wheelchair for the use of our less mobile guests to enable the whole family to enjoy a day out on the many trails that are located within easy reach of Spingle Barn. We are able to provide this facility after receiving grant funding from the LEADER project funded by the ERDP.


The Spingle Barn improved accessibility and carbon reduction project to provide additional paved areas, an EV charge point  has been grant funded by:

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